It is truly a blessing for us to enter the Advent season as the world is preparing for another celebration. Have we prepared ourselves to let Jesus born in our hearts? Are we like those guest houses in Bethlehem without any room for Infant Jesus? For years we have been celebrating Christmas as a tradition however, Christmas is meaningful only when it becomes a life-changing experience.
Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:8.
Christmas should be a time to re-establish our relationship with God. The purpose of Spiritual exercises like lent is to drop old destructive habits and embrace the new norms that lead to God furthermore. Our time with God should lead us to repentance and reconstruction. By the birth of Immanuel, God redeemed humans and saved them from sins. Better is one day in your court than a thousand elsewhere. Psalms 84:10. We need to contemplate on quantity and quality of time we set apart for communion with God. God loves our company and he wants to be with us. Spending time with God puts everything else in perspective.
I am Lord’s servant, Mary answered. May your word to me be fulfilled. Luke 1:38
Mary was deeply troubled by Gabriel’s message about the birth of Jesus(Luke 1:29). Even though Mary did not understand the words of the angel, she accepted the will of God. Spiritual pride averts us from complete submission to God. Often, we are proud of our traditions and heritage without having a deep faith. As God showed Jeremiah at the potter’s house, we have to be the clay in his mighty hands willing to be molded into a magnificent vessel of honor(Jeremiah 18: 6). As William Carey said we should be able to expect and attempt great things with God. May Immanuel, God with us dwell in our lives during this Christmas season and all days of our life.
Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
Thou art the Potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me after Thy will,
While I am waiting, yielded, and still.